I love the 4th of July. I love celebrating with my family. My parents always taught me to be respectful and grateful for the blessing of living in this country. They also taught me that freedom really does not come without a price. There are people and families that have made large sacrifices so that we can have the freedom that we enjoy today.
The pilgrims came to this country because they were looking for religious freedom. They wanted to be able to worship the way that they chose.
As part of the doctrine of our church we are taught;
We claim the privilege of worshiping
Almighty God according to the dictates of our own
conscience, and allow all men the same privilege,
let them worship how, where, or what they may.
I was recently told about a friend's sister who currently lives in Saudi Arabia. Their home is bugged. They are not able to say the word "Jesus" in their home. They can not sing religious songs with their children at home. They are only allowed one set of scriptures. Their phones are checked regularly for apps that the government feels are not appropriate. Learning these things gave me an even greater appreciation for my religious freedom.
I am so very grateful that I can teach my children. I am thankful that we can have religious discussions, and that my kids are free to ask the questions that they have. I am grateful for uplifting music in my home. I am grateful for family prayer and scripture reading. I am grateful that I can turn to scripture when I am feeling sad, upset, or just needing inspiration.
There are those that feel that religious freedom should be done away with. This is a right that we should always defend and speak out for. My heart is full when I think of what my religious freedom has enabled me to become in my life.
Happy Birthday, America. May the Lord bless us all!
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